Gerianne B. Hall - Contributing Editor

In 1989, having a severe case of burnout from almost 4 years of 16-18 hour workdays, often 6 & 7 days a week, Gerianne did the unthinkable in many people's opinion. She left both the disability realm and Ontario.
After taking the summer to recuperate and reconnect with family in Newfoundland and Labrador, Gerianne found herself working at a business development centre, in Pasadena, Newfoundland. There she accepted the position of Editor of the centre's monthly economic development newsletter, which Gerianne was instrumental in creating. The centre itself was then conducting a 3-year economic development project between Newfoundland and Ireland, which was capped off by an 8-hour live satellite broadcast between Newfoundland and Ireland that encompassed a global audience.
At a time of pre-internet, pre-email and pre-instant-written-communication, this centre's newsletter gained a global readership of over five hundred people. While working at the business development centre, Gerianne caught the entrepreneurial spirit and started a personalized stationery company. In 1997, Gerianne entered the world of Indie publishing with her first two releases: "Is That Wheelchair Really Dead?... Gerianne's Creative Wheelchair Repairs" and "A Little Insight" an anthology of some of her poetry; and although it can never be proven with any degree of certainty, the term “indie publishing” may have been first inspired by Gerianne in the mid 90’s, In an email conversation with a fellow writer, Gerianne expressed her displeasure with such terms as “self-publishing” or worse “vanity publishing” because of the misconceptions of such terms.
Gerianne simply stated: “I independently publish.” Her fellow writer responded with an enthusiastic: “Hey! That’s a great phrase Gerianne! Would you mind if I use it and share it with other writers?” After moving to Halifax in 1999, and no longer feeling the need to hide her Christian faith, Gerianne began studying Theology and lent her talents to her church affiliations by again becoming editor, and a contributing writer for some church newsletters, plus Nova Scotia's provincial Anglican newspaper, "The Diocesan Times. With her firm foundation of beliefs, convictions and thought, Gerianne established in 2018, who’s name also honours and tributes her longtime friend, The Late Dave Hingsburger. Hingsburger himself was a world-renowned lecturer, published author, and strong advocate of persons with intellectual disabilities. In having a multitude of interests, Gerianne decided to structure all her activities under one entity name: in 2023. Under this business name she Indie publishes her literary works, advocacy efforts, and community building. Some of her writings have also been published in New York, Texas, and Newfoundland. A number of her articles have been published in various publications.
After taking the summer to recuperate and reconnect with family in Newfoundland and Labrador, Gerianne found herself working at a business development centre, in Pasadena, Newfoundland. There she accepted the position of Editor of the centre's monthly economic development newsletter, which Gerianne was instrumental in creating. The centre itself was then conducting a 3-year economic development project between Newfoundland and Ireland, which was capped off by an 8-hour live satellite broadcast between Newfoundland and Ireland that encompassed a global audience.
At a time of pre-internet, pre-email and pre-instant-written-communication, this centre's newsletter gained a global readership of over five hundred people. While working at the business development centre, Gerianne caught the entrepreneurial spirit and started a personalized stationery company. In 1997, Gerianne entered the world of Indie publishing with her first two releases: "Is That Wheelchair Really Dead?... Gerianne's Creative Wheelchair Repairs" and "A Little Insight" an anthology of some of her poetry; and although it can never be proven with any degree of certainty, the term “indie publishing” may have been first inspired by Gerianne in the mid 90’s, In an email conversation with a fellow writer, Gerianne expressed her displeasure with such terms as “self-publishing” or worse “vanity publishing” because of the misconceptions of such terms.
Gerianne simply stated: “I independently publish.” Her fellow writer responded with an enthusiastic: “Hey! That’s a great phrase Gerianne! Would you mind if I use it and share it with other writers?” After moving to Halifax in 1999, and no longer feeling the need to hide her Christian faith, Gerianne began studying Theology and lent her talents to her church affiliations by again becoming editor, and a contributing writer for some church newsletters, plus Nova Scotia's provincial Anglican newspaper, "The Diocesan Times. With her firm foundation of beliefs, convictions and thought, Gerianne established in 2018, who’s name also honours and tributes her longtime friend, The Late Dave Hingsburger. Hingsburger himself was a world-renowned lecturer, published author, and strong advocate of persons with intellectual disabilities. In having a multitude of interests, Gerianne decided to structure all her activities under one entity name: in 2023. Under this business name she Indie publishes her literary works, advocacy efforts, and community building. Some of her writings have also been published in New York, Texas, and Newfoundland. A number of her articles have been published in various publications.